Thirty Five Oldbrush

Hi everyone, my name is Ivan aka thirty five oldbrush. I am an Italian tattoo artist who loves to paint and photograph. I decided to join this website sharing with you successes and failures
hoping it can help someone to join this beautiful colorful world.

I deal with miniature painting in every scale from Warhammer to larger scales. I love 3D printing with which I create many accessories and elements that I use in my dioramas.

My biggest prize so far is platinum medal at scale model challenge with which I was pubblished on figuremagazine!

I am passionate about digital sculpture and I recently sculpted an ogre with Zbrush which I then printed and painted. I hope to be able to convey love and passion
that I have with all the creative process, follow me in this journey.

FOLLOW me on Instagram where you will find many updated of my working in progress.

Best works

Artist Party

Wizard Artwork