
A few years ago I had the dream to build an archive with tutorials for every main stream miniature. For example Orks, Elves, Space Marine, Beastmen etc. After creating a lot of tutorials, I concluded that it was not possible to create this dream on my own. It is not doable for one person to paint enough tutorials for the archive I had in mind. If you only would take all the Space Marine chapter color schemes and let's say 2 versions of each, it would already amount to hundreds of tutorials.

Then I had the idea to contact other miniature painters through Instagram and ask them for help. Making tutorials takes a lot of time, also if you want this to be done by a pro it can get very expensive. ⁠⁠That is why I created this website with a subscription model. The idea is that subscribers create a big enough cashflow so that I can buy tutorials from artists around the world. This gives me the resources to create an amazing big archive in which subscribers can find all the tutorials to paint their favorite miniatures.⁠

The subscription works through Patreon. This platform is very safe and well known in the creative scenes around the world. You can subscribe there to get access to the tutorials. The tiers are described below. Patreon work with different currencies and taxes. Prices below are without taxes - check out Patreon for the price for your country.⁠

Thank you for your support!


Tier 1

Website Access


What's included:

  • General Support
  • Access to all tutorials

Tier 2

Website Access and tutorial voting


What's included:

  • General Support
  • Access to all tutorials
  • Exclusive voting power on Discord Server

Tier 3

Website Access super supporter


What's included:

  • General Support
  • Access to all tutorials
  • Exclusive voting power on Discord Server
  • You provide extra support for tutorial development
Iron Templar

Wizard Artwork