Custodes Valerian's Face
I created this tutorial to show the process I went through to paint Valerian's Head. Paints used for the skin are Vallejo Model Air (VMA) Armour Brown, Scale75 Basic Flesh, Scale75 Pale Skin, GW Reikland Fleshshade, Vallejo Model Color (VMC) Deep Sea Blue, VMA Red, VMC Ice Yellow, VMC Black, and Heavy Body Acrylic White (any black and white will do). For the hair, VMC English Uniform, VMC Japanese Uniform, VMC Ice Yellow, and white. The tubes are basically just black, a metallic silver, and dark wash.
Photo, Vallejo Paints, Warhammer 40k, Scale 75, Skin, Adeptus Custodes
Lenny Craft-It
11 colors
15 steps